Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tidying Up Art In Class Exercise

Malevich's Suprematism 

My Version

Matisse Blue Nude

My Version

Today in class we played in photoshop. We took famous works of art and created new compositions. 

Homework #6 Color

For this assignment we had to pick a color and then go out in the "world" and find that color. It was interesting because I picked blue and I normally see it all over the place but when I started to take the shots I realized that the blue I see is not the photo worthy. But I found some interesting shots and I think I need to  lighten up some of them but I am overall pleased.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Color Correction for Time of Day

After going through a critique of the time of day shots, I was unhappy to hear that my photo before was a little flat in color. I went back and played with the tones and this was the result. I am pleased and now even happier with this photo!

Photo Scavenger Hunt in Class

Today in class we had a list of 27 items the we needed to photograph, like silhouettes, moving objects, abstractions and a bunch of other things. It was a strange day to take photos, it was cloudy and humid and just kind of icky out. But these are the shots I took.

F-stop 4.5, Shutter Speed 1/320, ISO 400

f stop 5.6, shutter speed 1/125, ISO 400

f stop 5.6, shutter speed 1/50, ISO 400

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homework #5 Time of Day (Urban, Residential, Natural)

For this assignment we had to take shots of Urban, Residential, and Natural environments at different times of the day. This homework was a lot of fun to mess around with. I feel like I learned more about my camera than I have so far. I also feel like my images are tremendously better than before. The shots I picked all eneded up being from the early evening but I took photos at several other times too.




Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Homework #4 Color Balance

For this homework we were playing with the white balance function on the camera. Mine has always been set to auto, but this may not be the best setting for all photos. You may sometimes want the white balance to not correctly match the shot you're taking. I went to U-day on T-hall lawn and took some shots with different settings. These are the results of that day. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

4 by 4 class exercise

Today we were told to run around (not literally) the PCAC and the surrounding areas, to take a series of 6 photos. The concept was that we had a 4 by 4 area to take the images in. We were supposed to explore the idea of space, different angles and the idea of physical vs. mental dimensions. This is what I came up with.

2 Favorite Scanner as Camera images from the class

Katrina posted this shot and I picked it because I like the look of the negatives  and that she still put herself into the shot but she is not the main focus of the image. 

Samantha posted this and it's a little on the scary side but her whole series was a kidnapping from beginning to end. I can't help but love everything about this, from the creative idea to the use of props and the intense emotions she portrays 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Homework #3 Scanner as Camera

I believe that this has been my favorite assignment so far. For this we were asked to create a self portrait using a scanner. This meant we had to use 3d objects to create a scannable version of ourselves. We could use our faces if we chose to but it was not required. It took me a great deal of time to decide what objects I wanted to use and how to place them on the scanner. We were only asked to post 3 of the scans that we did but I did a total of 20 scans in order to get 3 I really liked. I do have a few others that would make for runners up but I didn't want to overload this post.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Taking Photos isn't as easy as I would have thought

I think I came into this class believing that I would be great at this. But I am now realizing that its not as easy as just point and shot. I really need to up the artistic value. After looking at everyone's shots I see that I am not being creative enough! I am excited by the challenge and I will make this happen. This weekend we are going to be making self-portraits with a scanner, but I may just give myself a little extra homework and try and take a few shots that I can be really proud of. We shall see how this goes and who knows maybe I'll even post them if I am really happy with them!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homework #2 The Kitchen and Visual Design

I never thought that taking pictures of a kitchen and kitchen items would be so hard. But when you live in a dorm and don't have regular access, you realize just how difficult it is. For this task I went to the little kitchenette on my floor during a smoothie social and was able to get some interesting shots of all the smoothie filled cups.  The other shots are from the big kitchen in the basement of the dorm. It is rather barren and a little on the creepy side but I think that gives some edge to the images.The two shots that I liked the best came from my room and the vending machine downstairs. I loved the look of the juice can through the mug handle and the way that the colors played tricks on your eyes. I chose the vending machine image because I liked the symbolism of a vending machine being a college students kitchen when they no longer have mommy and daddy around.

6 Best Shots from the Golden Mean Homework

It took me a while to decide which of my 36 shots were the best. Once I finally decided, I was pretty proud of what I found. These are the 6 that I loved the most.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Class Head shot Contact Sheet

Today in class we all got to know each other just a little better. After sitting in a circle in the PCAC courtyard telling everyone who we were and what makes us unique, we walked around taking head shots of each other. This a class portrait done through the use of a contact sheet. Minus me

Golden Mean Best Shot

This is my favorite shot of the Golden Mean shoot. The look of the windows in the back give you a little in-site into the lives of the people living there, but only if you take the time to look. The bench looks inviting and makes you wonder just who has sat there in the past. 

Homework #1 The Golden Mean

For our first task in class we were asked to take 36 photos of anything we desired. My 36 photos are a haphazard collection of things from inside my dorm room to the building and the courtyard outside. I am proud of some of these images and others are not exactly what I wanted, but it is only the first assignment.