Thursday, October 28, 2010

The memory of 9-11

I was in history class at Mountain View Middle School in Goffstown NH. We were all sitting and talking about some topic that I cannot remember now. My teacher was in the middle of a sentence when someone knocked on the door. They handed our teacher a note and she started to get really upset. She didn't tell us what the note said but she walked over to the tv and turned on the news. Just as she did this the second plane hit the second tower. We were all in shock. No one believed that this was real. We just sat in silence until someone started to cry. I couldn't even react, I didn't know what to say or where to look. I just kept watching the tv screen. We were all sent home early that day and once I got home my dad and I watched the news for the rest of the day. I couldn't even cry until I went to bed. I let out all the pain that I was feeling from the day and cried myself to sleep.

Homework #9 Narrative Social Landscape

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework #8 Seven Deadly Sins

The 7 Deadly Sins project has been both my favorite project and the most difficult so far. I had a lot of ideas from the get go, but I had a hard time making them come to life. I first wanted to do something with Greek gods and I knew that would never work out. Then I had the perfect idea for an image of lust that dealt with feet and I was going to do a whole series of feet. But after starting I realized that it was never going to work. So last second I completely re-did my concept. I had always had the idea of using my lips and mouth for the shots and once I started it really took off for me. It took a long time to get Gluttony and Envy and Lust but the shots came out really great. I was going to make all of the shots black and white but after talking with Julee she liked the color and that made me see the beauty in it. These are my sins...








Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In class Kingsbury Photo shoot

Today in class we focused on Architecture, we went across the street to Kingsbury and tried to capture the spirt of the building in images. I had never been into the building before and was pleased to see how interesting it was. With its hallways of different colors and all the angles. Very cool building. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Homework #7 Flenaur

For this homework we had to wander around and try to capture poetic moments. I chose to wander around the Theatre department. I ended up in the costume shop and Props loft. I took a lot of photos and was pleased with a decent amount of them, on the computer but when I printed them they were not exactly what I was hoping for but maybe I can do some more color editing and fix any of the little problems I see.