Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1
In this Chapter we learned about the history of photography. It explained how it started with film and became digital. They also explained that there were different types of film, color and black and white. At the end of the chapter they answered a good deal of questions about photography. Overall it was a good way to wrap-up the first chapter.

Chapter 2
In Chapter 2 they talked a lot about composition and how to compose a good picture. They focused on the way to make a eye grabbing photo that makes the viewer look all over the picture. They started by talking about the Golden Mean and how the picture should be made up of thirds. It also talked about that sometimes it is ok to break the rules.

Chapter 3
For Chapter 3 the main focus was on how to use your camera. It talked about the parts of the camera, the lens, mirror, the digital sensor array and the pentaprism. The chapter focused more on digital cameras. It talked about the the different types of image sensors. It also talked about the image sizes and the different types of cameras for your different interests.

Chapter 4
In this chapter they focused on the different types of filters and exposure times. In order to capture a photo properly you have to take into consideration all the elements in you image. They talked about the different tools that would help with the exposure, like the gray card, histogram and the light meter.

Chapter 5
This chapter talks about the different types of light. It talks about natural light and the different times of day and how it effects the image differently. The Chapter also talked about how the different seasons and weather conditions effect and image. It also mentioned that there is no perfect light, it all depends on what you are going for.

Chapter 6
This Chapter really talked about seeing with the eyes of a photographer. Reading the world in a poetic way and capturing that in an image. It also talked about how digital photography is pushing the idea of photos in a new direction. They are saying that people are starting to see everything differently and take the idea of photos as no longer just the image of what is really there.

Chapter 7
In this chapter they talk about the different uses of the shutter speeds. They talk about how to capture a clear image and how to make a blurry image. They also discuss different filters that will help with each of the different speeds you use and how they help with the overall idea of the image.

Chapter 8
In Chapter 8 they talked about pixels and image compression and they different printing techniques. It talks about what makes a good print and what makes a good display. It also talked about some key things in photoshop for those of us who make not already know that much about photoshop.

Chapter 9
This chapter talks about the final product and what you get when the shoot is over. It talks about how to work with a photo to adjust little things here and there that you could not before, such as retouching or burning and dodging. It also talks about the best way to present the photo once everything is done.

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